Our research line is focused towards the integral study of the variation of characters in an interspecific and intraspecific level, simultaneously considering different ecological (at different analytic level) and historical (phylogeny) aspects. Using different species as models, we inquire the processes and mechanisms that would show differences between populations. To infer processes at a proximal scale we use traditional morphometric and geometric tools, of quantitative genetics (common garden experiments), fieldwork and different DNA sequencing technics. To infer historical processes, we use mitochondrial and nuclear genes applying methods such as phylogeographic, phylogenetic and comparative methods. As an emergent research line, we’ve put our interest in conservation genetics, emphasizing on the genetic and evolutionary components of the different linage and their relationship with landscape genetics.
Our research projects in the past 15 years have been directed mainly to studying the evolution of the Altiplano’s species (Andean Plateau) and the systems that maintain them (lakes, lagoons, bofedales and rivers). This research line corresponds to a collaborative effort between scholars of different faculties addressing a problem of national importance related to the information needed for making decisions about the management of hydric resource in the XV, I, II Región of Chile. Since there’s previous precarious and disperse knowledge about the biodiversity in these systems, we have made the attempt, using a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, to contribute knowledge about this system, through: a) phylogenetic reconstructions on model species (fish of the genus Orestias, snails of the genus Biomphalaria and Heleobia, amphibians of the genus Rhinella and Telmatobius), b) characterization of each system in abiotic (salinity, pH, oxygen concentration, among others) and biotic terms (biodiversity, biogeographic relationships and history). For this we have used different approaches: limnology, ecology, population genetics, phylogenetic studies, genomics and transcriptomics.

LX Anual Reunion of the Sociedad de Biología de Chile
The Sociedad de Biología de Chile has confirmed their anual meeting, which if being organised with the Sociedad Chilena de Ecología. This will take place in Enjoy Hotel in Puerto Varas, between the 21st and 23rd if November 2017. For more information visit

March for Science in Chile
This 22 of April, on Earth day, scientist around the world are organising a march for science. The initiative took place in United States and Chile wasn’t an exception. There are 4 marches organised, one in Santiago, Antofagasta, Concepción and Valparaíso. For more information contact the oficial Chilean page MarchaPorlaCiencia.

Status of conservation for Calyptocephalella gayi
Recently our lab (GEVOL) met with the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente and the Municipalidad de Peñaflor to update them on the status of the Rana Chilena (Calyptocephalella gayi). Franco Cruz and Katherin Otálora presented what has been achieved on the project of the Rana Chilena this year. The project has elaborated management strategies on conservation […]

Summer course “Origen y evolución de los seres vivos”
On the first week of January 2017, Dr. Marco Méndez and Dr. Alvaro Zuñiga dictated a summer course in the day of improvement for teachers on “Origin and evolution of human beings” in JAP 2017.