
Sociedad Malacológica de Chile
The Malacological Society of Chile, SMACH, founded in 1979, is an organization that brings together people who have a special interest in the study, knowledge, conservation or maintenance of collections of molluscs. The mission of this society is promote knowledge, scientific research and development of collections of molluscs in Chile.

Sociedad Chilena de Evolución
The Chilean Society of Evolution was founded in November 2006. The aim of the Society is to promote the scientific study of the various areas related to organic evolution in the country. The fundamental mission of the Society is to facilitate the understanding of evolutionary biology in the various areas of Chilean society, and transmit that knowledge to primary and secondary education.

Sociedad Chilena de Entomología
The aim of the Entomological Society of Chile is to promote the study of Entomology, through meetings, conferences, publication of the Revista Chilena de Entomología and other corporate activities. Among the most important events highlights the National Congress of Entomology, which is held annually with the collaboration of various institutions throughout Chile.

Sociedad de Biología de Chile
The Chilean Society for Biology is an academic society that has the objective to promote studies and research, both theoretical and experimental; leading to the advancement, diffusion and dissemination of biological sciences for the benefit of the community.

Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
The National Museum of Natural History (Chile) is an institution that since 1830 has the mission of generate knowledge and promote appreciation of the natural and cultural heritage of Chile, to promote and strengthen understanding in society.

Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad
The Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB) was conceived in 2005 and is one of nine research institutes of the Chilean Millennium Science Initiative (MSI). Millennium Science Institutes are Centers of Excellence, bringing together scientists sharing a common philosophy and research goals. The mission of IEB is to conduct frontier research in biodiversity science, giving special attention to the effects of climate change on biodiversity in the past, present and future, and to advance the science behind the conservation, management and sustainable use of natural capital and ecosystems for the socio-economic development of Chile.

This twitter account, called Evomics, has the objective to provide information and training in the fields of molecular evolution, population genetics and genomics.

Evolution Directory
This twitter account, called EvolDir, is a mailing list on topics of interest to evolutionary biologists (conferences, jobs, software, etc.)

European Society for Evolutionary Biology
The European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) is an academic society that brings together more than 1400 evolutionary biologists from Europe and the rest of the world – researchers, academic teachers, students, as well as journalists and other persons interested in evolution.