
Víctor Eduardo Sanhueza Aguirre

Actual occupation: Lab assistant.
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Research on: Biogeography, Phylogeography and Systematics of Molluscs

Educational Background:

2014 – 2015. MSc, Universidad Andrés Bello. Dissertation title: “Environmental Determinants of geographic variation in body size in coastal polyplacophorans (Neoloricata: Chitonidae) of the Southeastern Pacific”. Advisors: Christian M. Ibáñez.

2009 – 2014. BSc in Marine Biology, Universidad Andrés Bello. Dissertation title: “Testing Bergmann´s rule on polyplacophora (Neoloricata: Chitonidae) of the Southeastern Pacific”. Advisors: Christian M. Ibáñez.

Research Interest: My research interest is focuses on a Macroecology perspective that evaluate the relationship among complex ecological variables, like body size, geographic range size, population density and the environmental mechanisms that could be directing biogeographic patterns, using linear and additive models for the predictions.

Contact e-mail: vsanhuezaguirre@gmail.com
